The story behind Manu Tukutuku is about a small group of local Randwick Park residents who worked in partnership with Manurewa Local Board (lead by Angela Dalton) to design, develop and lead the Parks development. In 2014 the Randwick Park Community and Sport Trust was set up to become a local Randwick Park legal entity, for the purpose of becoming Kaitiaki – caretakers of the park: Local Neighbours serving the Neighbourhood. The founding Trust member was Bruce Howe (Chair), Dave Tims (Secretary), Keo Mataroa, Anna Scanlan (treasurer) and Tony Rakich – all Randwick Park residents.
Thanks for posting this Dave – a perfect example of empowering a community, but not without our challenges right? A newish Council, a determined community a Local Board Chair (me) who was all for walking alongside but not interfering unless there were barriers to navigate.
All credit to Randwick Park Residents on achieving this community dream that was led and designed by you all – the Heart and Soul of Randwick.
It will stay forever in my heart as an experience of a lifetime in community empowerment, governance at a distance, friendships forever. – Angela Dalton, Auckland City Councillor